HSUWA is a specialised trade union of health workers across private and public sector health.

Our Purpose

To empower our Members to advance their collective interests through organising, support, advocacy and influence.

Our Vision

To be a trusted and influential union of Western Australian Health Workers, collectively achieving stronger, fairer work conditions and a better health system.

A group of health workers standing together in a group

Why Union Membership?

Together we can achieve more.

Union Leadership

Secretary: Naomi McCrae
Assistant Secretary: Adrian Barrett

HSUWA is proudly member-led. The governing body of the union, known as the Committee of Management, is made up of active and dedicated Members who hold elected positions: President; Vice President; Treasurer; Committee Members; plus the Secretary. The Committee of Management appoints the Secretary who is responsible for the union’s operations.

Committee Members have specific responsibilities under union rules and state and federal laws. They meet at regular intervals to ensure financial, governance and policy oversight of the union. In addition, a sub-committee, the Finance and Executive Committee, meets more regularly and is dedicated to financial oversight.

Your Committee of Management 2024
President: Cheryl Hamill, Head of Department, Library & Information
Vice President: Craig Russell, Senior Clinical Psychologist
Treasurer: Ruth Marshall, Training and Education Consultant
Secretary: Naomi McCrae
Committee Members:

  • Luke Bongiascia, Area Manager Community Services
  • Kitty Hemsley, Speech Pathologist
  • Brendan McKernan, Senior Radiation Therapist
  • Ruth Marshall, Training and Education Consultant
  • Drazen Nikolic, Senior Project Co-Ordinator, Data and Digital Innovation
  • Jonathan Nugent, Deputy Chief Pharmacist
  • Sarah Silver, Podiatrist
  • Ric Skipworth, Assistant Team Leader, Accounts Receivable
  • Aleksandro Trpevski, Pathology Collector

Union Rules

Our Union is governed by Union Rules.

Financial Statements

Members can view copies of our Financial Statements here.