At the end of 2024, HSUWA Members returned a resounding ‘No’ vote to the Fourth Offer for the Union Agreement.
While the Fourth Offer finally made some good improvements, the offer fell short with Members delivering a 77% No vote. Amongst the concerns was an unwillingness to trade off conditions for shift workers, and the higher pay and packages offered to other health workforces, especially the Nurses and Midwives who Members work alongside.
HSUWA Members were clear that their priorities in this negotiation, as the largest workforce in public health, were to restore some of their lost real wages since 2017 and address some long-standing inequities and overdue workplace reforms (particularly for Anaesthetic Technicians and Allied Health Professionals).
This committed workforce, which was frontline in the collaborative effort of the State to deal with the pandemic, remain confident that their sound requests, focused on staff retention, will be seriously considered by the Cook Government. Members remain resolute in their decision to continue to work together to achieve a fair deal.