On Wednesday 19 June 2024, the HSUWA Committee of Management unanimously rejected the Department of Health’s first Offer for a new Union Agreement 2024.

The pay increases offered, of 4.75% in the first year and 3.5% in the second year, do not go far enough to ensure that all HSUWA Members in the public sector receive a real wage increase.

Key workforce reforms and important conditions need to be met to satisfy priority claims. Members’ claims are based on better work hours, safer workplaces, rewarding careers and a stronger workforce.

You can read the HSUWA Committee of Management Statement here.

 The Committee of Management is calling for:

  1. The WA Government to intervene in negotiations to ensure key measures are delivered in a second offer.
  2. All members are to get involved in union activity in the coming weeks to ensure our voices for change are heard loud and clear.
  3. All workers covered by this agreement who aren’t members yet to join today. Get off the sidelines and stand with us for a better deal for all.

If you are not yet a HSUWA Member – we encourage you to join now and support your colleagues.

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