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A group of Members at HSS with their fists in the air.

HSUWA Union Agreement 2024 Lodged and Back Pay Dates Announced

Public Sector health workers are about to receive a pay increase won by HSUWA Members. Workers in WA’s public sector health system will be between $8,071 and $25,080 better off because of the work of HSUWA Members. The Union Agreement 2024 has been lodged with the WA Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) and awaits registration. In…

International Women’s Day – Celebrating HSUWA Women

International Women’s Day – Celebrating HSUWA Women

This International Women’s Day (IWD) HSUWA celebrates the women who have devoted their professional lives to the healthcare of Western Australians. This year’s IWD theme is ‘Accelerate Action’ and we know nobody accelerates action like HSUWA Members! Did you know that according to data from the World Economic Forum at the current rate of progress,…

A illustration of a woman's head next to the words My Rights My Body My Choice.

International Women’s Day Rally

Join UnionsWA in commemorating International Women’s Day 2025 at a special event leading up to the WA State Election. “My Rights, My Body, My Vote” this year’s theme underscores the enduring relevance of the women’s rights movement and aims to spark meaningful dialogue about the empowerment, autonomy, and societal participation of women. International Womens Day Rally…

Purple and red wording: Fourth Offer Rejected and a black and white photo of HSUWA Members at a rally.

Fourth Offer Rejected

At the end of 2024, HSUWA Members returned a resounding ‘No’ vote to the Fourth Offer for the Union Agreement. While the Fourth Offer finally made some good improvements, the offer fell short with Members delivering a 77% No vote. Amongst the concerns was an unwillingness to trade off conditions for shift workers, and the higher pay and packages offered to other health…

Your Voice in Health Survey in text with a speech bubble with three people icons within it.

Your Voice in Health Survey

HSUWA to Deliver Your Voice In Health Survey & Reporting in 2025 The annual, “Your Voice in Health Survey” (Survey) was a Labor election commitment first conducted in 2019. The Survey is a valuable tool in gauging the morale of healthcare workers, their confidence in WA Health, how well staff are supported by their employer and the culture in the…

Member Story – International Day of Radiology

Member Story – International Day of Radiology

HSUWA member Sharon, a Deputy Chief Medical Imaging Technologist at Fiona Stanley Hospital shares her experience working in the Medical Imaging Department. With over 30 years of experience as a committed health professional and union member, she is excited about the ongoing advancements in healthcare technology. Where did you study and why did you choose…

Members Reject Third Offer

Members Reject Third Offer

Over the last two weeks, Members across public hospitals and health services attended paid union meetings to vote on the Third Offer. This Offer was received the morning before the Protest Rally. With a 93% No Vote, Members overwhelmingly rejected the Third Offer and endorsed continuing to campaign for a Fourth Offer that better addresses key Member claims.  Read the Committee of Management…

HSU National Conference

HSU National Conference

WA Branch Delegation with ACTU leaders. L to R: Jonathan Nugent, Craig Russell, Naomi McCrae, Brendan McKernan, Sally McManus, Sarah Silver, Michelle O’Neil, Adrian Barrett, Jason Walters, Cheryl Hamill On 17 October 2024, Delegates from WA attended the bi-annual HSU National Conference. Delegates from branches across the country shared stories and insights about their industrial campaigns….

2024 Paid Union Meetings – October to November

2024 Paid Union Meetings – October to November

Attend one of the upcoming paid union meetings to discuss the campaign to improve your pay and conditions. Health Support Services Date: Tue, 22 October 2024Time: 11:30am – 12:30pmLocation: Meeting Room 1:1, Level 1 St Georges Terrace Osborne Park Hospital Date: Tue, 22 October 2024Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pmLocation: G Block – Large Meeting Room Bentley…

Speech Movement and Acoustic Analysis Tracking (SMAAT) Finalist Team

Speech Movement and Acoustic Analysis Tracking (SMAAT) Finalist Team

SMAAT Team Developing Speech Analysis Tool with Massive Potential Every clinician aims to ensure they deliver the right intervention at the right time. A new tool being developed by a team at Curtin University will boost the capacity of Speech Pathologists to do just that. The SMAAT Team has developed applications that will enable Speech Paths…

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