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Released 13 September 2024 Union members are fed up with the company’s disrespect to its own workforce. After months and months of negotiations, despite existing low pay and rising cost of living pressures for staff, the company has failed to put forward an adequate pay offer to their employees. Union members then determined, by ballot,…

Your Union’s Recent Advocacy
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Fourth Offer Rejected
At the end of 2024, HSUWA Members returned a resounding ‘No’ vote to the Fourth Offer for the Union Agreement. While the Fourth Offer finally made some good improvements, the offer fell short with Members delivering a 77% No vote. Amongst the concerns was an unwillingness to trade off conditions for shift workers, and the higher pay and packages offered to other health…

Log of Claims Meetings – St John of God Health Care
HSUWA Members employed with St John of God Health Care are invited to attend one of the upcoming HSUWA meetings to review and endorse your Log of Claims for negotiation. You have had your say in the recent Log of Claims survey, now it’s time to review and endorse the list of items you will negotiate…

Emergency Department Musculoskeletal Diversion Pathway Finalist Team
Team with ‘Yes First’ Approach Redefines ED Experience Most people have visited an ED at some point because of a rolled ankle, a fall or an injury at work or home that needed imaging and treatment – the type of injury that needs quick treatment and the resources of a hospital but is going to…

February Paid Union Meetings – Public
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