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Stand Up! For Allied Health Workers
State Government Misses a Key Opportunity to Start Workforce Planning for Allied Health Today, the WA Health Medical, Nursing Midwifery Workforce Summit was held with the aim to discuss workforce challenges and solutions to grow the WA healthcare workforce in the future. Disappointingly, HSUWA Members were denied an opportunity to participate and provide their valuable…

Union Win: Shift Penalty Underpayment Reconciliation Underway
Last year, HSUWA Members at Armadale Hospital uncovered widespread underpayment of shift workers who worked overtime in public health. As a result of union Members standing up to demand pay of their due entitlements, about 3,000 current and former employees will be back paid some entitlements (on average around $160). Due to union advocacy, the Department of Health agreed to investigate…

HSUWA Christmas Closure
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Allied Health Professionals, Technicians, Hospital Admin and Security Stand Up for Better Pay at Fiona Stanley Hospital
RELEASED 1 MAY 2024 HSUWA Members, including Allied Health Professionals, Technicians, Assistants and Clerksfrom Fiona Stanley Hospital, will congregate to Stand Up! for better pay and conditions at aMass Member Meeting on Wednesday, 1 May 2024. The meeting comes as the State Government and Department of Health have failed to present anOffer to the largest…

Ministerial Round Table: Allied Health
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Public Sector Agreement Negotiations Kick Off
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