The HSUWA Committee of Management has unanimously rejected the Second Offer from the Department of Health for a new Union Agreement 2024.
In addition to not responding adequately to claims for better conditions, the pay increase offered, of 12% over 3 years (HSUWA claimed 12% over 2 years), is not enough to ensure the bare minimum – that wages stay above inflation during the proposed three-year term.
HSUWA is calling on the State Government to deliver a serious offer for the largest public health workforce. An offer that reflects both employer and State Government rhetoric of supporting quality public health care in Western Australia.
You can read the Statement made by HSUWA Committee of Management here.
The Committee of Management is calling for:
- Call on the State Government to properly support the largest public health workforce by responding with a serious Third Offer, that reflects their public rhetoric of supporting quality public health care in Western Australia.
- Ask for all Members to get involved in union activity in the coming weeks to ensure our voices for change are heard loud and clear and there is a serious Third Offer for HSUWA Members to consider.
- Call on all workers covered by this Agreement who aren’t Members yet, to stand with us and win a better deal for all – by joining HSUWA today.