Lifeblood (a division of the Australian Red Cross Society) is attempting to erode the earnings and hard-fought conditions of WA employees.
HSUWA Members have had 10 negotiation meetings to progress a replacement enterprise Agreement in WA however the company is seeking to combine separate state-based Agreements (for WA, SA, VIC and TAS) into a new “SouthWest” Agreement. Instead of using the process to standardise the best conditions, Lifeblood is racing to the bottom.
Lifeblood is now threatening to remove conditions WA employees currently have and wants to:
- attack the current classification structure by diminishing pay points and opportunities for progression,
- offer below-inflation pay increases,
- remove leave loading on a 5th week of annual leave,
- remove the ability to accrue extra leave on pro-rata basis,
- reduce the amount of notice the company has to provide when making employees redundant, and
- reduce union rights.
In the meantime, Lifeblood Members are sticking together to protect their conditions and make improvements, but they will have a better chance if more Members join and stand with them. Do you know someone working at Lifeblood who should be a member? Ask them to join today.